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Arkana Single Barrel

Variety: Muscat Ottonel 100%

Soils: alluvial and cinnamon forests

Density: 280 vines/ha for the 50-year-old and 320 vines/ha for the 10-year-old

Fermentation: 1/2 liquid phase fermentation and 1/2 fermentation with the skins in stainless steel vessels

Aging: 1.5 years in a 500L new lightly toasted Bulgarian oak barrel

Alcohol: 45 vol.% 

Packaging: glass bottle, 500 ml, wooden stopper 

Serving temperature: 10 ° C.

Terroir features:

The vineyards are located on the low, hilly slopes of Sredna Gora, in the region of the village of Lesichovo, between 250-350m above sea level, whose exposure determines the uniform exposure to the sun. The Topolnitsa River crosses the village in its lower course and is a leading factor for the mild microclimate, contributing to the full and timely ripening of the grapes. They are grown organically, without the use of pesticides and herbicides, and are nourished by manure and weeding in the rows.

The grapes for Arcana Single Barrel come from old plantations of the Muscat Ottonel variety - a small plot with 50-year-old and one with well-developed 10-11-year-old vines in active fruiting. Their location in 2 different locations around the village of Lesichovo clearly shows the expression of the terroir, even at such a micro level. The grapes are selected already in the field, in the massifs - according to the degree of ripening and organoleptic characteristics.

Vinification and distillation:

The harvest is entirely manual, in cassettes and was carried out at the end of August and the beginning of September in 2018. Alcoholic fermentation takes place within two weeks, after which the wine material passes to the distillation stage.

The distillation itself is carried out in a "Charante" type cauldron with subsequent redeseilation for better purification and separation of the fractions. The distillation is fractional, by separating the first, middle and tail fractions. After distillation, the produced raw material for Muscat brandy is aged in a 500 liter Bulgarian oak barrel for 1.5 years.

Tasting notes:

Noble, golden color, the result of long aging. The aroma is intense and distinctive, with a preponderance of indrishe, while the typical notes of rose and delicate Turkish delight remain in the background, closely followed by pleasant smoky nuances of sandalwood, tree bark and sweet spices - cardamom, cloves and brown sugar. The taste is soft and delicate, pleasantly rounded, again with a sense of indrishe and gul, followed by softly hinted notes of bergamot, mint and dried apricot. The aftertaste is long, multi-layered with a distinct honey note on the palate and a finish with a hint of roses.

Food pairing:

Arcana Single Barrel has a strong taste-aromatic presence, so the dishes suitable for it are without too pronounced aromas and without many spices. Suitable combinations are Mediterranean salads with citrus, as well as Caesar salad in a version with chicken, and also - hard cheeses and white Bulgarian cheese - cow or sheep. Light desserts such as panna cotta, crème brûlée, crème caramel can also be a good accompaniment to Arkana Single Barrel.

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