The partners who trusted us to make a quality and unique product.
Нашата мисия е да възродим ракията като висококачествена и достойна за уважение съвременна напитка с цялото натурално богатство на вкусове и аромати, които предоставят плодовете, от които я създаваме. Това специално отношение, което влагаме в производството, намери своята висока оценка и от нашите партньори, с които имаме успешна колаборация при производството на премиум продукти за тях. Тяхното доверие за нас е чест и се гордеем, че заедно произвеждаме едни от най-качествените продукти у нас: сливова, кайсиева, гроздова ракия и различни видове вино.
Our Partners
Wine and Spirits Consulting
- Behind Wine and Spirits Consulting is a team of enthusiasts who love rakia not only as a drink, but also as an important part of the heritage of the Balkans. In their portfolio, the main focus is top rakias from the Balkans, which find their fans in the best restaurants and bars, specialised and online stores.
Lozenitsa Jsc
Lozenitsa is a family project with the main goal of preserving and promoting the Bulgarian endemic variety Shiroka Melnishka loza (Broadleaved Melnik vine). Their vineyards are located in the land of the village of the same name Lozenitsa and they are grown organically, which determines the full and clear manifestation of the terroir in their Melia wine.
Aya Estate Vineyards
The "AYA" project is the heir to the viticultural knowledge of several generations, with over 80 years of experience in artisanal wine production. Their mission is to be the custodian and restorer of good wine - traditions in the Melnish region, with the aim of preserving, restoring and promoting the endemic, autochthonous varieties - for the region and for Bulgaria. I mainly believe in working with nature, not against it, that's why they grow their vineyards, following the principles of biodynamics. Nature is integrated into their cause and helps them create a harmonious world in which every element is in balance, has its place and meaning.
Altan Teteven
Altan Teteven is 100% natural plum brandy. It was born from the common goal of a group of Tetevenians, who, inspired by the past, are returning the unique Teteven Rakia to the market to pass on the taste and tradition to future generations.
Създай свой етикет
Избери своята любима ракия! Персонализираният подарък е израз на уважение и доверие, символизиращ благодарност за споделените успехи и оптимизъм за бъдещето. Отбележете важно събитие с приятели, близки и колеги по изискван и автентичен начин. Изберете своята любима Arkana ракия и персонализирайте Вашето послание! Възползвай се от нашето специално предложение и направете всяко събитие незабравимо!